Racial attack in France

A racial attack on a kosher market in France on Friday leaves Jews on high alert.

Twelve hostages were freed from the scene after police ambushed the store.

Unfortunately, not everyone survived this tragic attack. Several people lost their lives because of this anti-Semitic act.

The gunman, shot dead in the street, has been identified to be linked to a recent deadly attack on a French satirical newspaper and killing a policewoman.

French President Francois Hollande called the attack an “appalling anti-Semitic act.” Police forced local businesses to shut down for the remainder of Friday. The Grand Synagogue of Paris also shut down for the day.

Editor of The Jewish Chronicle Stephen Pollard, expressed similar concerns on Twitter saying on Friday, “Every single French Jew I know has either left or is actively working out how to leave.”

In response to the attack, the United States is issuing a travel alert.

You can read the full story here.



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