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Offended by scripture – Grow Up!

Christian Talk Podcast

Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) hit back on the Todd Starnes Radio Show against Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and other House Democrats who took issue with his comments on the Equality Act.

“What any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress,” New York Democrat Jerry Nadler said on the floor.

Steube told nationally syndicated radio host Todd Starnes the words “In God We Trust” were written in the House chamber above where Nadler was speaking.

“It’s crazy to think that members are offended by the mere fact that I’m quoting Scripture,” the conservative lawmaker told Starnes on Friday.

“That didn’t come from me, that was the Bible, so if you want to say that’s crazy talk and you don’t believe it, that’s fine but you’re rejecting the Word of God and you’re rejecting God,” he added.

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