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Trump Responds to Rumors About Red Marks on His Hand

Christian Talk Podcast

President Trump addressed the speculation surrounding the red marks observed on his hand during his visit to a Manhattan court.

When he was photographed on his way to attend a trial about E. Jean Carroll’s defamation case against him, some members of the left-wing media expressed concern about these marks.

While some thought they could have been caused by a red marker or blisters from playing golf, individuals such as James Carville quickly jumped to unfounded conclusions, suggesting that Trump had contracted syphilis.

“They look like syphilis,” James Carville said of the red marks on Trump’s hands.

Carville claimed he asked several doctors (who never examined Trump) what the red marks could be and the answer was “immediate: secondary syphilis.”

Representatives clarified that the red marks were caused by paper cuts, which led to Trump accidentally smearing blood across his hand.

This incident sparked a wave of speculation on social media, with various theories circulating.

Some suggested that the red substance was red ink from classified documents, while others theorized that it could have been ketchup due to Trump’s well-known fondness for fast food.

However, just hours after the pictures were taken, Trump reemerged without any visible signs of the mysterious red marks.

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump says there is nothing wrong with his hand speaks after meeting with members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters at their headquarters in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2024

Additionally, there was no evidence of an injury.

In response, Trump suggested that it could possibly be AI.

“Asked what had happened to the hand the former president said: ‘Nothing. Maybe it was AI.’” Trump said according to The Daily Mail.

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Joe Messina

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