Newsmax’s Ruddy calls out Dems for the hypocrites they are…

Before a House hearing Wednesday on “Fanning the Flames: Disinformation and Extremism in the Media,” Newsmax Media CEO Christopher Ruddy wrote a letter responding to “disinformation” and “deliberately misleading” allegations by committee members.

Pelosi’s office avoiding questions about Capital security ahead of breech

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office fired back at House Republicans on Monday who demanded answers regarding security decisions leading up to and on the day of the Capitol riot last month, saying they are “clearly” trying to “deflect responsibility for the Capitol attack from Donald Trump.”

I thought they were stormtroopers!

Like a tin-pot dictator, Pelosi stood before a formation of soldiers lined up in front of the U.S. Capitol and thanked the troops and their families “for protecting the Capitol and our democracy.”

State of the Union 2020 – **Highlights**

Expect to hear, return to American greatness, shattered American decline, USMCA, China, South Korea, EU, 12k new American factories, #1 producer of oil in the world, education for all, paid family leave, sanctuary cities, ending wars in the Middle East.