There’s a lot of speculation, accusations, and general confusion surrounding the Ukrainian letter to resident Jews requiring them to register with the government or face property seizure and deportation.
Have there been any reports of Jews attempting to register yet? I think that would clear up all the chaos. If the government takes their $50 registration fee and their information, it would seem pretty clear that it was a government issued letter. If the government turns them away, well, then we know. It was a distraction.
Talking about it in circles endlessly gets us nowhere fast. We need actual information to know what’s true and what isn’t.
Seems like there’s a an easy way to get to the bottom of this. So, the only question left to answer is… who’s going to go down to the Donetsk Regional Administration, Office 514 to test this supposed registration process so that we all know the truth?
Thanks to Gretawire for providing a translation of the letter in it’s entirety.
Photo credit via Wikipedia, Donetskaya Narodnaya Republic Coat of Arms