Prove Gun Control is Not the Answer

Dr. John Lott says:

With major funding and Obama’s support, flawed studies supporting gun control will soon reach Americans everywhere. The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) needs your support to conduct academic quality research to find the truth and accurately measure the extent to which guns protect citizens, reduce crime, and save lives.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg donated $250 million to Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health to hire new professors, many whose primary objective is to do expanding research on gun violence. President Obama has also been directing federal government fundstowards gun control projects.

So, while Obama spends your tax money against you to remove your 2nd Amendment protections and other progressives continue to poor money into research to do the same thing, Dr. Lott is crowdfunding to raise money to expose the truth.

CPRC President, Dr. John Lott Jr., has already exposed the flaws in many of these studies including a report on the Analysis of School shootings funded by Bloomberg which claimed that 44 shootings occurred in schools and colleges nationwide since the Newtown, Conn. massacre on Dec. 14, 2012 and Feb. 10 of this year. Out of the 44 shootings, a total of 28 died. To dramatize their numbers, Bloomberg’s groups emphasized that one of these attacks occurred every 10 days.

But their statistics are not what they seem. Included in the numbers are suicides. Also included are late night shootings taking place in school parking lots, on their grounds or even off school property, often involving gangs. As “shootings,” they also include any incident where shots were fired, even when nobody was injured.

You can help him with his project by contributing any amount here. Time to fight for the truth.

Photo credit MS Office ClipArt

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