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When political correctness runs amok, we can no longer have “fiesta” parties for fear of offending ONE person!

At Dartmouth College one person complained that the annual “Phiesta” fundraiser hosted by two groups on campus to coincide with Cinco de Mayo was “racially insensitive” so the college cancelled the event! ONE PERSON was offended!

Forget the fact that the event raised money for cardiac care for those who couldn’t afford treatment.

Forget the fact that being of Hispanic decent is not a “race.”

Focus on the fact that ONE PERSON can ruin everything for everyone else if the rest of them not willing to stand up and be heard. What would have happened if 15 or 20 or 100 or 500 students in the student body had countered in support of the event? Or simply lodged a complaint? They could just be offended by her offense.

If that campus is willing to cave on ANY issue that ONE PERSON is offended by, it’s going to quickly get hard to do anything there. Talk about walking on eggshells…

Think you can’t make a difference? Well, here’s your evidence that ONE PERSON can make a difference. Now, go do something to positively affect those around you, stand up for what’s right, and forget that politically correct garbage.

You can read more about this story here.

Photo credit via Flickr Alan English CPA

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