No Borders, No Rules = Dictatorship!

This was a heavy news week. Tens of thousands of illegals trampled over our borders. Where is the President? Out campaigning.  The head of the IRS knew about the missing or lost emails at the last hearing, yet said nothing! Where is the President? Out campaigning! Five very nasty terrorists are released for one U.S. soldier. Where is the president? Out campaigning.

What’s he campaigning for? He already won. We are stuck with him 2.5 more years, maybe! (The smell of impeachment is in the air.) Many of the Democrats running for office don’t want him involved. Some have even asked him to stay away!

The Prez went on attacking Republicans for all his failures. Apparently, the man can’t take responsibility for anything. Anyone who thinks they are right all the time is a danger to himself and to others.

Since I’ve been doing my radio show, (now over 700 of them “in the can”) I have done many stories where this President has failed the American people miserably. At first I thought it was incompetence. I thought maybe his years as a community organizer just didn’t expose him to enough to be a real leader. Surely his years in the legislature surely would have prepared him for the decision-making duties of a president? Right? I’m sure all those “present” votes on tough issues had to teach him something.

Yes, those experiences, and many others, have put him in a position to be the worst president in American history! By now many Dems are begging to have Jimmy Carter back. In fact, I suspect many Republicans would rather have him back, as well!

We’ll pause here a moment to allow some of you to shout “racist” simply because I don’t agree with or like the president. PAUSE. OK, now back to reality.

This president doesn’t care for our borders, at all. He has the money for it but has not finished the border fence. Why doesn’t he care? He doesn’t want borders. If he did, he would finish the fence, send down the guards, and protect Americans. He’s not interested.

It’s interesting that Mexico usually captures, beats, and returns those who cross over their southern borders illegally. Apparently that is no longer the case. We are seeing an influx of illegals coming from South America and Mexico at record numbers. Instead of following our own deportation rules, the president has told his people that we are to care for, document, feed, and clothe those coming over the border illegally. We can’t help our veterans. Only the illegals. We have homeless vets that we can’t put in some of the military bases across the country, but we can, fly, bus, and truck illegals in to occupy those places. We can fly in medical personnel and supplies, but we can’t do the same for our vets.

This president complained about Mr. Bush’s overreach of power and the many executive orders that Mr. Bush signed, however, he is catching up to that number fast! And, if you “lefties” were being honest, there is a difference between the type of executive orders Mr. Bush signed and the ones that Mr. Obama has signed. A majority of Mr. Obama’s executive orders change laws. That’s what the legislative branch is supposed to do. Mr. Bush’s executive orders largely revolved around sending needed medical supplies to third world nations, including Africa, to help stop the spread of HIV.

This president’s continuous lies (not misspeaks) about his healthcare plan, NSA spying, the Mexican-American gun-running scheme, his Benghazi cover-up, his IRS targeting conservatives, DOJ spying on the press, and too many more to list here. I could eat up this whole article listing how this president runs his office as a dictator.

His recent comments about how he will not wait for Congress shows his disdain for the American people, our laws, and way of life. If he loved the people and the country, he would abide by the laws he swore to uphold. But the truth for him is very hard to find.

He repeatedly promised that this would be the most transparent administration ever. Yet the members of his loving media, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and others have all said over the last few months this has been the most closed administration that they have ever seen, and many of them are 20-year news veterans. This administration now hands pictures and narrative to the press on what will be seen and printed. This sounds like Communist America to me comrade!

He tweaks the laws to say what he wants them to say. He enforces the laws he wants to enforce. He spends money where he wants to. He issues executive orders to get the EPA, IRS, and other departments to do what he wants them to do.

In essence, he and Attorney General Holder are the two most powerful men in this country. They have the tools and will to make sure they get what they want to reshape America to what they believe it should look like, regardless of whether or not they are following our laws.

Let me reiterate… he writes the rules, he decides which ones get enforced, and what peoples get what benefits. This is not a presidency.

Welcome to the Regime known as the Obama Administration.

Picture of Joe Messina

Joe Messina

All is fair in Radio! Politics, religion, prejudice, illegal immigration, legal immigration. Don't miss the "You're Not Serious" segment. We will be dealing with some of the most asinine items from the week's news. REAL and RAW!! You don't want to miss this show! The Real Side with Joe Messina. EVERY DAY - Check for stations and times.

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