Free Speech No More!

High school senior Kendra Turner was suspended for saying “Bless you” when a fellow student sneezed in class. Not for saying “God bless you,” mind you, but simply “Bless you.”

Her enraged teacher aggressively informed her that there would be “no godly speaking” in her classroom and sent her to the assistant principal’s office when Kendra took her stand on the Constitution. You know, the document that talks about our right to freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion.  As we will see in a moment, it is simply impossible for a student to violate the First Amendment. It can’t be done.

When Kendra informed her teacher that she had a constitutional right to free speech, the teacher curtly replied, “Not in my class you don’t.” Apparently her classroom has been annexed by Communist China and nobody knew…

You can read the rest of this article here.

Editors Note: This article snippet via from author Bryan Fischer


Bryan Fischer is Director of Issue Analysis at and Host of “Focal Point”.

Photo credit MS Office ClipArt

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