There is No War on Religion, It’s on Christianity!

Let me start by saying, I understand that there is a physical war In the Middle East on Jews. But what I am dealing with here is the on-going war in this country on Christians.

You separation-of-church-and-state people seem to be very silent on favors provided to other religions, yet start foaming at the mouth when the words “cross,” “Bible,” “Christ,“or any scriptures are used.

A few weeks ago, the Freedom from Religion Freaks (aka: Freedom from Religion Foundation – FFRF) lost a lawsuit they filed against the 9/11 Memorial Museum. They claimed that displaying the cross that was left at the bottom of the rubble (not manmade) that served as a symbol of hope to the first responders, Jews, Christians, Atheists and others during that tragedy was a clear violation of the separation of church and state. Once again, they were wrong.

The courts sided with the American people and said that not only was it a symbol of hope, but it was part of our national heritage and history. They said, “[Given] the absence of any evidence of ulterior religious motives, and the undisputed historical significance of The Cross at Ground Zero, we conclude that, as a matter of law, the record compels the conclusion that the actual purpose of displaying the cross in the September 11 Museum is a genuine secular interest in recounting the history of extraordinary events.”. One of the arguments from the atheist group was that the cross caused “dyspepsia” to some of the plaintiffs who had to walk by it. My thought! Take some Pepto-Bismol. The “ailment” equates to an upset stomach.

Then there was the attempt to remove Bibles from U.S. Navy lodges around the globe. The group claimed that offering Bibles to guests constituted an endorsement of a religion so they needed to be removed. I’ve never heard of anyone walking up and down the lodge halls screaming, “Get your Bibles here, brand new never opened, get ‘em while there free.” Nope, not one complaint about Bibles being pushed on anyone. They’re in a drawer in each room given free of charge by the Gideon’s. The people complaining are not being honest. If it was an issue of religious freedom, then let’s put the Bible, Quran, Torah, dictionary, or whatever religious text we can get our hands on in those drawers and let them chose what to read or not read. Nope. They only complained that the Bible needed to go. Navy brass came to their senses and backed down because of the outcry of the many as opposed to doing what a very few loud mouths wanted.

In a small town in Georgia, the atheist group threatened to file suit against a school because the kids were praying before football games. They said they had received “a” complaint from a single, unnamed parent. The atheist group was not from the community. They didn’t know who they were playing with. Remember, we are supposed to have a representative government, not a government of the smallest and loudest. Well, these people got a taste of southern law. Over 200 people showed up to support the teams in prayer. And they prayed before the game. No one exploded. No one went into convulsions. And no lighting struck any one of them. All was well in that little Georgia town. The atheists are all legalled-up and ready for battle. Why? Why does something that supposedly doesn’t exist make them so crazy? Why can’t they respect the wishes of the masses instead of the wishes of a few?

To show how disingenuous they really are (which is an educated way of saying full of manure), the Pentagon recently came down with a ruling that will allow religious garb to be worn on military bases. Not in the field of active duty, but at all other times. We aren’t talking about a cross around the neck or a bracelet with a scripture on it or a piece of jewelry or even scarves with the same type of religious markings. Those will still be unacceptable. Jews have been able to seek a waiver to wear a yarmulke, and since it fits under a helmet or military issued headgear it’s not deemed “offensive”. The FFRF have many articles about how this is acceptance of religion. But where are they on the new rule allowing Sikhs wearing turbans? They were all over Christians who outwardly wore crosses or scripture references on their clothing on base, but this? Nothing! There is already a policy where rooms have been designated as prayer rooms. Not chapels, you know that generic place where all, but Muslims, are expected to use. These are specific rooms set aside for Muslim prayer. But that’s ok, right?

The military ordered all chapels to remove all “religious symbols” or hide them so no one could see them. Huh? Isn’t that like taking down the “golden arches” at McDonalds? What sense does that make? A chapel without religious symbols? Where is the outcry on the prayer rooms and turbans? Where are the Freedom from Religion Freaks on this one? What if a Christian complained seeing the turban gave them “dyspepsia”? Hmmm, I wonder.

And last but not least, recently the “brass” ordered that all military respect the “religious” tradition of Ramadan by not eating in front of or near any soldier who might be a Muslim. What if my religion requires me to eat more during Ramadan? Where is the outcry from the Freedom from Religion Freaks on this one? Nothing. Why? Because they’re cowards. Period. During lent Catholics also fast. Has anyone seen a memo from military brass asking for other members of the military to be sensitive to them? Nope!

So it seems to be that if the outcry from all these atheist groups were against religion as a whole then all forms of religious respect would be fought, not just Christian practices.

A war on religion, no. A war on Christianity, yes!

Picture of Joe Messina

Joe Messina

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