Tunnel Vision: Israel Plans to Continue Defending Herself

Israel, that oasis of civilization, creativity, and inventive technology in the cesspool known as the Middle East is coming up with a “Tunnel Shield”, which could perform a number of functions, including sensing when a tunnel is being dug and destroying tunnels with robots.

It’s amazing to what lengths the Israelis will go to in order to protect the precious lives of each and every citizen of the Jewish state.  The Israeli Defense Forces, in an effort to also protect the lives of Gaza residents, do their best to warn civilians to get out of the way when they are planning an operation.  Unfortunately, many of these people are unable to save themselves because they are being used as human shields by the Hamas terrorists.

In the end, as Israel continues to meet head-on those who are sworn to destroy her, it is more and more apparent that this is a conflict between civilization and barbarism, between the culture of life and the culture of death.

In the meantime, the life-saving “Tunnel Shield”, the result of a free society committed to technological innovation, could be in place as early next year.

You can read more about it here.

Photo credit: Zev

Picture of Sara Anne Fox

Sara Anne Fox

I am a former brain-dead liberal (Massachusetts-born Democrat) who had my epiphany right after 9/11. Bush's "Axis of Evil" speech was the nail in the coffin of my dependence on my feeeelings for forming my political beliefs. Big reality check... A former feature film development executive, I consult privately with writing clients of all stripes, passionately advocating for the material, and do some writing of my own. I also function as a "professional expert" in story development and screenwriting in the Southern California community college system. I am a firm believer in low taxes, strong defense, American exceptionalism and the glorious, marked differences between men and women. While I fear for the future of our country, I am determined to do what I can to combat the Kool-Aid drinking forces of ignorance and mental and intellectual sloth that have twice put a Marxist fraud in office. Widowed in 1997, I am the mother of two elderly sons whom I graciously allowed to survive the teenage years and am happily ensconced in the very liberal enclave of Silver Lake in Los Angeles. While I am able to live well amidst the kumbayas, I often ponder the possibility that my second husband will have a place in conservative, Pasadena-adjacent San Marino. #hopespringseternal

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