2014 Joe made the 10 “Hottest” conservative radio hosts?

Someone needs to have their glasses checked

Thanks you sooo much Politichick ladies for the honor of making your list in TWO places.!!!

Top 10 Hottest Conservative Radio Hosts

1. Rush Limbaugh
2. Dennis Prager
3. Mark Levin
4. Dennis Miller
5. Wayne DuPree
6.  Andrew Wilkow
7. John Ransom
8. Joe Messina
9. David Webb
10. Michael Hart

Top 15 Hottest Conservatives in New Media

1. Glenn Reynolds, Instapundit
2. Glenn Beck
3. Jonah Goldberg, TownHall
4. Mike Opelka, Blaze
5. David Spady, Breitbart
6. Joe Messina, The Real Side
7. Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review
8. Angry White Dude, AngryWhiteDude.com
9. Ryan Girdusky, Townhall
10. Larry Greenfield, The Claremont Institute

More at: Politichicks


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Joe Messina

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