Is a chastity honor code the same as slut-shaming?

A feminist at Brigham Young University (BYU) wants the code of conduct changed to prevent slut-shaming of sexually active students.

Keli Byers is yet another example of the entitlement mentality so prevalent in our society today. Why does she think that she has the right to change BYU’s policies? Maybe she thought she wasn’t alone. But judging from that lack of support, even from her campus feminist group, she quite possibly IS alone!

Why would she choose to attend a college that did not fit her lifestyle when so many other options were available to her?

BYU is a religious institution, founded on Biblical principles. What did she think? That they would embrace premarital sex and promiscuity just because that’s part of the college experience in the majority of college campuses? Their honor code suggests otherwise.

I don’t know if she’s clueless or just plain arrogant thinking that she’s going to force a religious institution to bend to social winds of change. Or maybe she just really doesn’t understand the Bible as being the Word of God. If you ask me, it’s pretty presumptuous to think that you can override God’s law.

It’s time she found a new school.

You can read more about this story here.

Photo credit Jimmy Emerson

Picture of Joe Messina

Joe Messina

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