AFA: The Dred Scott of Gay Marriage

Some people are calling yesterday’s Supreme Court decision, which eventually will impose sodomy-based marriage on the entire country, the Roe v. Wade of gay marriage. It’s far worse than that.

(Don’t be fooled by those who say the Court did not act yesterday. It most decidedly did. Not to decide is a decision. Not to act is an action. The Court knew exactly and precisely the consequences of their judicial inaction.)

The nearest parallel we can find to what happened yesterday is the Court’s 1857 decision legitimizing the institution of slavery. In the Dred Scott case, the Supreme Court put its stamp of approval on a pernicious, degrading, decivilizing institution and gave it the patina of constitutional authority.

The Court duplicated its wrongheaded and grossly immoral Dred Scott ruling yesterday by imposing same-sex marriage on the entire country. This is tyranny.

The Court was wrong in 1857 and it was wrong yesterday. It was wrong on slavery and it is wrong on sodomy…

Editors note: Read the rest of the article at  

Photo credit MJKMJK

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