Our book, “What Women Really Want,” launched this month, and we have traveled the U.S., spoken to women, to men and to people who understand that there is absolutely a war on women.
That war, however, does not exist where the lame-stream media want women to believe it exists. But there is definitely a war on women. There are two.
War on women I
The first war is one where women are being serially gang-raped and stoned to death by Islamists across the world who believe women are only one-fifth of a person. If a woman is raped, under Shariah law, five men must testify that they witnessed the woman being raped. Otherwise, she is stoned to death in front of her friends and family. Christian and Jewish women are being led like lambs to slaughter by Islamists. There is definitely a war on women, but not the one the statist elites in D.C. like to pretend is happening. That is but a ruse designed to distract the simple minded.
Where are the old-school feminists who cussed conservative icons like Phyllis Schlafly and burned their bras in protest of equal pay, in the face of this bloody war on women? Do equal rights not to be stoned matter less than equal pay or birth control?
Where is Hillary on this? If I were GOP leadership, I would be giddy about the thought of a Hillary run. Aside from Benghazi, think about a campaign based on what she never did to stop the real war on women. If she stood passive while Islamic women were raped and stoned to death, what will she passively let happen to women were she president of the United States?
War on women II
The second war on women happening is domestic and political.
For the last decade, rich, powerful, corrupt entities like Planned Parenthood have told women that their vote is worth $15 per month in free birth control and unlimited access to abortion.
But when we talked to women about what women really want, that isn’t what they said at all…
Read the rest here (trust me, it get’s really good toward the end!)
Editors Note: This article is reprinted from PolitiChicks.tv courtesy Dr. Gina Loudon
Dr. Gina Loudon is the host of Smart Life with Dr. Gina on MoneyBizLife Network seen every weekday in cities around the country on BizTV and heard on the BizTalkRadio Network. She is a frequent guest on Fox News and Fox Business Networks and has appeared on other networks including Al Jazeera and Comedy Central’s Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Dr. Gina is a psychology expert, Politichicks.com anchor, WorldNetDaily and Townhall.com columnist, and is the co-author of Ladies and Gentlemen: Why the Survival of our Republic Depends on the Revival of Honor. Her new book (co-authored with Ann-Marie Murrell and Morgan Brittany) What Women REALLY Want comes out later this year. She also appeared on Right Wing News’ list of hottest female conservatives in new media. Dr. Gina saw the inside of politics while spending 14 years with her husband, Senator John Loudon, in the Missouri state capitol. She moved to Southern California in 2012 to fight the culture war and began with a bang by doing a prime time ABC reality show. Follow Dr. Gina on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrGinaLoudon and Twitter: @drginaloudon
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