About My Stubborn Teenager!

Don’t you feel like you’re dealing with a stubborn teenager every time you hear and see President Obama speak? Even his own party has started to look on him with distain and disgust.

He did nothing (thank God!) to help his party win or keep seats, except raise money! We learned several things in this last election. You really can’t buy votes, and negative ads are no longer effective.

There were several high-profile elections across the country where one candidate was outspent 3, 4, or 5-to-one and yet, the underdog still won. Why? As much as I like to say people aren’t paying attention, the average voter seems to be paying attention enough to be irritated with all those negative ads and mailers that bombard them during election time, and it takes lots of money to do that.

Based on many of the president’s comments this week, he has a real problem grasping reality. I’m wondering if the clowns at MSNBC, CNN, and those other so-called news outlets were drinking the same Kool-Aid he’s been drinking.

They were all dumbfounded at the election outcome. What happened? How could this be? Chris Matthew’s tingle down his leg became a jolt to his cerebral cortex. One or two of the commentators had their medication wear off early, as was the case with Ed Shultz, who admitted this was a vote against Obama’s policies but wouldn’t admit that the people were right about the policies being bad.

The president is like your teenage child who never does anything wrong and never has a bad idea. This week the votes were against policy. His policy. His agenda. He can’t see it. Has your teenager ever come home with a D or F on their test, only to tell you it was the teacher’s fault? They didn’t explain the subject properly. They didn’t give you enough warning about the test. They didn’t word the questions properly. They didn’t give you enough time. Blah blah blah. Not my fault!

That’s what we heard all week. Mr. Obama made many statements like, “Well, only a third of the American populous voted,” insinuating that “the people” hadn’t spoken. Yes, when he wins an election or a Democrat wins an election, no matter how slim the margin or how many come out to vote, its a “mandate” and an affirmation of the work he is doing. But the reverse doesn’t hold up.

This “teenager” has had to stop using phrases like, “the war on women,” “gender inequality,” “they want you back in chains,” and “they want you sick and dead” just to mention a few.

The temper tantrum won’t be tolerated any longer. The American people have spoken. They want the teenager grounded. They want us to take away his keys and put a curfew on him. I hope the new guardians will do exactly that.

When Obama saw the writing on the wall Tuesday evening he asked for a bipartisan meeting that took place last Friday. Most figured it would be a “Hey, you guys won, I don’t want to yell and fight each other over the next two years let’s see what we can agree on and move forward” moment.

But no! That ever stubborn teenager in him would not let go! He let everyone in attendance know that he would fight the fight because the American people were on his side (obviously a very confused man) and he would basically stay the course.

He made the comment several times that Republicans needed to pass legislation that he would be happy with. Huh?! What about passing legislation that will benefit the American people, for the greater good, not for his good? Does he not realize this isn’t a party thing? He is used to going to Pelosi and Reid and saying bring me this bill with these terms in it and they go like good little Borg drones and do as told.

The Senate and Congress, Mr. President, are not yours for the directing. He still doesn’t understand that separation of powers thing. Maybe he needs to go back and look at those notes from when he was a Constitutional professor or teacher or shredder (whatever that position was that he once held!)

People, the bottom line here is this… he is acting like a stubborn teenager and I think we need to treat him like one. We need to grab the 380-plus bills that were on Harry Reid’s desk and send them over to him for signature. Send 5 a day. Tell him he can’t go out with his buddies to play golf or wine and dine until his work is done. The work he gets paid to do, the peoples work. Oh, and he has to play by the rules.

If he keeps this up he may be the cause for his whole party being grounded! I’m okay with that.

Picture of Joe Messina

Joe Messina

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