Do you have to show ID?

I live in a state that does not require any form of ID in order to vote. There’s a huge debate roaring around this subject with the words “racist” and “discrimination” being used as a weapon to thwart any efforts to implement requiring ID to vote.

Personally, if I have to show a photo ID to purchase allergy medicine, open a bank account, or cash a check, what’s the big deal about showing who I really am when I vote?

Why is voter ID such a hot button? Personally, I want to know that my vote is secured. Being asked for ID ensures that only I can cast a ballot for my vote. Photo ID gives assurance that my individual vote is not watered down by those who would seek to manipulate the outcome of an election. Many races are won by 1 or 2 votes per precinct. So if you’re thinking 1 vote can’t change an election… think again!

Here’s a quick summary as it stands today:

– 20 states don’t require ANY form of ID to vote
– 10 states require SOME form of ID to vote
–  7 states require PHOTO ID to vote
– Most states REQUEST some form of ID, but don’t require it

Where does your state stand? Take a look at this graphic and see.

And if you don’t like what you see… contact True the Vote to see how you can turn things around for your state!

Photo credit Adam Scott

Picture of Joe Messina

Joe Messina

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