Can Using Mental Health Services Get You Kicked Out Of School???

Should Students be penalized for taking advantage of the Mental Health Services that are provided for them at school?

Rachel Williams felt she had no choice in the matter when she was asked to leave Yale, at least temporarily, while she was admitted to the hospital for immediate treatment.

Its started in January 2013 when she visited the Yale Health Urgent Care to get a bandage for cutting herself. A university psychiatrist came in to speak with Williams, she explained that she was not trying to commit suicide but rather it was self-destructive behavior.

Was Yale in the right to commit Williams to a hospital or should they have started with outpatient treatment first?

Williams came in to the health office after her self-destructive behavior of “cutting” and is reason the Yale Mental Health services felt alarmed. Williams also had battled with severe bulimia and anorexia in the past and developed depression.

I think the school made the right call. This girl clearly had some issues that needed to be worked out and the added stress of being at Yale would only have made matters worse.

Read full story Using College Mental Health Services Can Lead To Students Getting Removed From Campus

Photo credit Heipei

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