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TheDemocrats: Memorial Day = Ice cream and cookouts

Whatever lies beyond clueless, that appears to be where the leadership of the Democratic Party is these days.

On Friday, the Twitter account @TheDemocrats — “the official Twitter account of the Democratic Party” — tweeted this Memorial Day greeting.

Others might post images of soldiers and sailors, gravestones, small-town ceremonies, floral tributes to the fallen, and American flags on social media.  But for today’s Democrats, apparently, Memorial Day is like every other day, in that it’s about Obama.

Except when it’s also about other Democratic presidents chowing down for Memorial Day.  TheDemocrats have taken a lot of grief over the Obama-eating-ice-cream tweet.  (See the tweet at its Twitter link for a sampling.)  But that seems only to have inspired them to double down.

What, they couldn’t find any Memorial Day images of Bill Clinton slurping a Popsicle?  The choice of LBJ does seem a bit odd, considering that one of the main things he’s remembered for is how dissatisfied Americans were with his handling of Vietnam.  He wasn’t exactly a president beloved of servicemen or their families.

But the real point is that that apparently doesn’t matter to TheDemocrats.  Ice cream, cookouts, and pictures of Democratic presidents.  That’s what Memorial Day means to them.

If you want to seriously depress yourself, read more thoughts on this topic here, here, and here.

Or, look in your own heart and locate the love and honor you have for the Americans who have given all in the service of our country.  I know it’s out there.

Paul Beston at City Journal (second link) refers to “the ‘thank you for your service’ refrain detested by many in the military.”  I’m not sure where the detestation comes from.  The American people do care, even if they don’t always really understand, and they want to do their best to convey that they care.  But for me, the real point is that America is worth the service I gave.  I think most vets, including those who gave all, feel that way.

But you do have to look beyond the hype of social media and politics to remember who and what the real America is.  To remember and honor those who died for her.  So just do that, LU Nation, and have yourselves a good Memorial Day.


Author J.E. Dyer is a retired Naval Intelligence officer who lives in Southern California, blogging as The Optimistic Conservative for domestic tranquility and world peace. Her articles have appeared at Hot Air, Commentary’s Contentions, Patheos, The Daily Caller, The Jewish Press, The Weekly Standard, and Liberty Unyielding.

Reprinted with permission from Liberty Unyielding via Liberty Alliance.

Photo credit Twitter: TheDemocrats

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