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Remembering D-Day!

Thanks to WallBuilders for posting this historical recollection of D-Day facts! Take a look at the links and videos. Share them with your children and grandchildren. This is how we keep history alive and avoid repeating it. You’ll be glad you did, and they’ll thank you one day!

Saturday marks the 71st anniversary of the LARGEST AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT IN THE HISTORY OF THE MODERN WORLD. We commonly refer to this day as D-Day — the day that Allied forces stormed the beaches to begin driving the German forces back into Germany.

Significantly, President Franklin Roosevelt — who guided the nation through most of World War II — avowed that the war was caused by the anti-Christianity of Hitler and the Nazis. Watch as David Barton plays this explanation by President Roosevelt and explains how this affected America’s efforts at home and overseas.

In fact, as part of pushing back against the anti-Christianity, David also shows you many of the UNIQUE MILITARY BIBLES OF WWII.

We have also posted a number of interesting WWII and D-Day artifacts from our library:

For more short historical vignettes and other videos, be sure to visit the WallBuilders YouTube Channel.

Photo credit US Army

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The Real Side

Posts categorized under "The Real Side" are posted by the Editor because they are deemed worthy of further discussion and consideration, but are not, by default, an implied or explicit endorsement or agreement. The views of guest contributors do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of The Real Side Radio Show or Joe Messina. By publishing them we hope to further an honest and civilized discussion about the content. The original author and source (if applicable) is attributed in the body of the text. Since variety is the spice of life, we hope by publishing a variety of viewpoints we can add a little spice to your life. Enjoy!

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