It’s true, we only get one vote and election cycles only come around every few years. But you can still affect a change with your “2nd vote”… your wallet.
Companies do not stay in business without YOUR money, so where you choose to shop does make a difference.
2nd Vote has compiled a list of the companies who directly and indirectly provide financial support to Planned Parenthood. Here’s what they say:
Planned Parenthood is the largest single provider of abortions in the United States performing over 300,000 per year. In addition to these services, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the organization’s political arm, works to implement liberal policies and affect election outcomes across the country.
Of Planned Parenthood’s $1.3 Billion in yearly revenue, over 25% comes from private donations, including corporate contributions.
Take a look at the list and decide where you want YOUR money going. And a well-placed letter, email, or social media post never hurts. Speak up!
Photo credit Rick Bolin