Credit: David Bego, DevilAtOurDoorstep
Much to the pleasure of many Americans and the chagrin of union leaders across the country, Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin finally announced his long awaited Republican candidacy for President of the Unites States! Despite the fact Governor Walker does not have a college diploma – a fact exploited by the liberal press — he is a well-spoken, intelligent and caring man that has the innate ability to speak with people of various economic, ethnic, religious, and political backgrounds, and to unite them in a common cause to make life better for all Americans.
I have had the pleasure of meeting Governor Walker and hearing him speak. Unlike some, he is very personable and when he speaks he does not need sheets of notes in front of him nor a teleprompter. He uses his hands and eyes to embrace the people to whom he is speaking and to make them feel comfortable with his style and message. Additionally, he is comfortable meeting and speaking with people on their own “turf” — whether it be in their neighborhood, their church, or another setting that is comfortable for his audience. His approach is one of honesty and compassion. Governor Walker has used this amicable style to win his first Governor’s election, a recall election orchestrated by big labor the following year, and a second term election in 2014!
Governor Scott Walker understands he has to be seen as a “President of the People” and his campaign style and governing/management abilities show he can excel in these roles, not only by winning re-elections, but taking Wisconsin from a highly indebted, union-controlled state to a debt free, citizen emboldened state. He did this by freeing the citizens from union shackles (see The Decline and Fall of Wis. Unions) and enacting policies that are good for the people and that provide them freedom of choice. Several previous blogs have featured Governor Walker and his victories and successful programs in Wisconsin:
- America at a Crossroads! As Wisconsin Goes, So Goes America!
- Collective Bargaining is a Privilege, Not a Right!
- A Win in Wisconsin! Next, the Rest of the Country!
- Big Labor Bosses Demonstrate Why RTW is Necessary – Shame on Them!
- Time to Set the Tone for November in Wisconsin!
- America on the Precipice!
However, I feel that the blog best highlighting Governor Walker as the top Republican candidate for President is Lessons from the Wisconsin Recall. The blog, refreshed below, examines Walker’s techniques and beliefs, which are much like those utilized to defeat the SEIU as chronicled in The Devil at Our Doorstep!
Big Labor took a roundhouse to the chin despite the millions of dollars in member dues spent in an attempt to recall Governor Walker. Conservatives and practical-minded Americans, however, cannot become complacent with this victory. Big Labor showed how desperate it was in orchestrating the offensive recall. Big Labor thumbed its nose at the citizens of Wisconsin and America because it could not win the first election legitimately. In doing so, it resorted to its campaign of misinformation, coercion, propaganda and intimidation to bully its way to victory. Thankfully, Americans are waking up and drawing a line in the sand with Big Labor and all who endorse or utilize these type tactics. Tactics which are uncalled for in modern America!
Interestingly, nearly a third of union members who cast votes in the recall election did so for Governor Walker as did 48% of voters who live with union members. Additionally, teachers in Wisconsin have been showing their disdain for union tactics as polls of active teachers show that Wisconsin’s teachers positive view of the teachers unions have declined from 58% to 43% and the percentage of teachers with negative views of the unions doubled from 16% to 32%. Furthermore, the fact Wisconsin Unions Saw Ranks Drop Ahead of Recall Vote is another indicator the rank and file members continue to question Big Labor policies and voted ahead of time with their feet! Wisconsin membership in AFSCME fell from 62,818 to 28,745 over the past year. Apparently they don’t like their union dues and their union credit card fees (see Big Labor: Credit Card Profiteers) and interest utilized for political purposes, especially an unnecessary recall election.
Ultimately, What Wisconsin Means is that there is clearly opportunity for a major conservative victory in November. However, a few critical lessons must be remembered and implemented.
1.) It is the economy and we are not stupid! Fiscal Responsibility Trumped Union Power in Wisconsin. Fiscal responsibility must be trumpeted nationwide.
2.) Complacency will end in defeat. Big Labors’ Gasping Dinosaur’s are headed toward extinction. Remember, desperate people do desperate things. Expect a down and dirty fight to the finish, which must be countered with professionalism, character and ethics.
3.) The Conservatives and Tea Party countered the union foot soldiers with an effective ground game. Now it must be done nationwide.
4.) Don’t be afraid to expose the misinformation, propaganda, and coercion for what it is, and counter with common sense and the truth! The majority of people will wake up and understand.
5.) Don’t buckle to the intimidation tactics. Look the bully in the eye and smile.
6.) Don’t be afraid to expose the opposition’s agenda, socialism through the catch phrase “Social Justice”.
7.) Don’t be afraid to expose the truth about the opponents past affiliations. A person or entity’s past affiliations speak volumes.
8.) Take the offensive. The best defense is a strong offense.
9.) Use the unions/democrats misuse of members’ dues against them.
10.) Don’t buy into the ruse that the “Citizens United” case created an unfair playing field for republicans. Expose the fact that it merely evened a playing field that Big Labor had been exploiting for years at the expense of membership dues.
These lessons must be learned and implemented if The Decline of American Exceptionalism is to be reversed in November 2016! Listen closely to Governor Walker, as it is truly worth the time! We must Identify the “Devils” at Our Doorstep who are intent on Taking American Freedoms! America, we are at War! Armageddon is at Hand! Please Wake up and support the man who has the backbone to reclaim America’s greatness, Scott Walker!
Click here to show your support!
Ed. Note: Folks, it takes money to run a campaign and get elected. Any amount helps. You can support Scott Walker via the link above, or visit any candidate’s website and make a contribution so that we don’t end up with the wrong person… again!
Photo credit Scott Walker