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Texas students given most stunningly intrusive home survey ever?

Judging by the content of a survey sent home a few days ago, as the public schools kicked off the year in Texas, there may be an outbreak of demonic psychosis among school administrators.

OK, maybe that’s a little harsh.  But as the Politichicks ask:  “Parents, can you think of any reason to ask your child even ONE of these questions?”

There’s certainly no valid reason related to effective education.  But the survey sent home with the Texas 7th-grader definitely conforms with the type of wildly invasive data collection on public school students that’s been previewed over the last few years by reporting on federal and state education initiatives.

survey CommonCore

Common Core is one of those initiatives, and people are likely to call this phenomenon “Common Core” because that’s a catch-all term now.  The sources cited in my October 2014 post (last link) make clear that the same individuals and groups responsible for Common Core are responsible for the “Big Data” collection push, and other features of Obama’s transformation of American public education.  So it becomes increasingly meaningless — and disingenuous — to insist that “Common Core” itself is nothing more than an innocent set of educational standards.  The people are right on this one.  Common Core is a Trojan Horse, and it’s fatal to pretend that that’s not reality.

(As reported yesterday, another connection in the Common Core nexus is funding and program design sourced to the Muslim Brotherhood, and Islamist foundations in Qatar and Libya.  So we’ve got that going for us.)

Meanwhile, pick your favorite question from the home survey distributed to some Texas 7th graders this month.  I like these:

My family knows how to keep our clothes from being stolen at the Laundromat.

My family knows how to move in half a day.

During the holidays, my family hires a decorator to decorate the house.

My family knows how to host the parties that “key” people attend.

But perhaps my very most favorite is:

My family “buys a table” at several charity events throughout the year.

The People’s Commissars do need to know where the wealthy kulaks are, come the revolution.


Author J.E. Dyer is a retired Naval Intelligence officer who lives in Southern California, blogging as The Optimistic Conservative for domestic tranquility and world peace. Her articles have appeared at Hot Air, Commentary’s Contentions, Patheos, The Daily Caller, The Jewish Press, The Weekly Standard, and Liberty Unyielding.

Reprinted with permission from Liberty Unyielding via Liberty Alliance.

Photo credit Donkey Hotey

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