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Planned Parenthood Hypocrisy: Take out the competition & threats to supply chain

So let me get this straight… Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards says that states cannot defund PP, yet 7 years ago she argued for states TO defund abstinence education programs when the Feds wouldn’t do it?? Hypocrisy much?

This woman’s Planned Parenthood agenda is even clearer now than it was then… take out the competition and anyone threatening their supply chain.

Abstinence programs are taking state and federal dollars that PP wants funneled to them.

Abstinence programs are a direct threat to PP’s supply of unwanted pregnancies and aborted babies (as evidenced by the recent undercover videos).

It all comes down to money. PP is a business who wants to take out the competition. Period.

Abstinence only programs work. Are they perfect? No. Is anything perfect? No. But that doesn’t mean we throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater. Education is ongoing and is key.

When planning a family, abstinence actually IS one of the choices… you’d think an organization called “Planned Parenthood” would know that and would be presenting it as an option in their own curriculum and programs… but that would work counter to their bottom line.

Interestingly, pretty much everything that she said in the video about the abstinence lobby and government programs could be applied to Planned Parenthood today. Government programs, once started, are nearly impossible to eliminate, the abortion lobby is so strong, and there is a whole industry around the abortion business. Yep, smells like hypocrisy to me.


Photo credit Facebook/PlannedParenthoodPresident

Picture of Tammy Messina

Tammy Messina

Christ following, wife, mother, grandmother, and small business owner with passions for holistic wellness, gardening, raising critters, and preserving our Constitutional liberties especially free speech, religious freedom, and the 2nd Amendment. God gave me the most wonderful husband, who I love dearly and am grateful to have the opportunity to work with every day as his Producer in this Real Side venture. When you see my posts, they are truly mine. So please don't hold him accountable for what I write. Contrary to what some say, I'm not a Stepford wife. I have my own opinions and am willing to share some of them here.

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