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ICYMI: Obama says “violent extremism is not unique to any one faith”

According to a report on Breitbart (emphasis added):

President Obama told a conference of world leaders at the United Nations that Muslims should never be targeted as perpetrators of violent extremism simply because of their faith.

“Remember that violent extremism is not unique to any one faith,” he said, “So no one should be profiled or targeted simply because of their faith.”

Obama made his remarks during the UN Summit on Countering ISIL and Violent Extremism held in New York City today.

Obama acknowledged, however, that Muslim youth were specifically being targeted and recruited by ISIS…

Ok, so let me see if I’ve got this straight…

Muslim youth are being specifically recruited by ISIS… NOT people of OTHER faiths.

But we’re not supposed to profile Muslims (even though they’re the ones being recruited) to identify those who might be involved in or planning violence?

Are we supposed to just PRETEND that the perpetrators of violent extremism aren’t Muslim? How does that help keep Americans safe?

And since you say it isn’t “unique to any one faith,” what OTHER faiths are currently using VIOLENT EXTREMISM?

Maybe I missed it, but I haven’t seen any Jews, Christians, or Hindus violently murdering people, beheading them, stoning them, or throwing them off of buildings for practicing a belief different than their own!

Photo credit BB4SP

Picture of Joe Messina

Joe Messina

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