Corona del Sol High School in Tempe, Arizona apparently have a problem with the United States. Their football team is playing Marcos de Niza and the administrator of the school is the second biggest a-hole in the county, right behind all the voters who elected a school board who appointed him. This seems to be a growing theme across the country wherever liberals rule the roost. My attitude is this is America bi*%#s. If you don’t love her, I will personally contribute to a fund to buy you a ticket to any country in the world, you would feel comfortable in.
The school newspaper reports that if you wear red, white or blue or a Trump hat or anything patriotic, you will not be allowed into the game…
Read the full story at ThePCGraveyard
[Editor’s Note: I’m not sure if this is political correctness run amok, or sheer anti-Americanism. Either way, everyone at the school should show up in patriotic gear, or boycott the event altogether. That’s how you make a change.]