For the less than honest liberal (yes, such a phrase is inherently redundant), a constant harping about the non-existent clause that calls for the separation of church and state is a lie that those who incorporate the worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus into their daily lives should be proactive in combating. Since the ratification of the Bill of Rights, never in history has a single individual been able to tell anyone else on what page such a clause is printed, because it DOES NOT EXIST.
However, it’s clear that even before the United States was founded, the first educational institution on the continent, Harvard College, founded in 1636 was founded in order to allow for the “encouragement of arts and sciences, and all good literature, (which) tends to the honor of God, the advantage of the Christian religion” according to Article One of the Constitution of the State of Massachusetts.
Perhaps it’s for this reason that the suggestion by The Real Side that perhaps churches SHOULD consider becoming more involved in politics is very sound advice.
The soldiers of Satan’s army that would say otherwise almost always base their primary contention on the lie that the American Constitution calls for the “separation of Church and State”. It would make sense that Satan and his fallen angels would adopt that strategy. Un-Godly leaders give the Godless people the evil nation that they desire and deserve.
It is the duty of the Church today to worship only Jehovah, Yahweh, and Y’shua, One God in Three Persons and to proclaim Him as Lord today, and to persuade those of a like mind to cast votes in favor of Godly leaders. If church members fail to accomplish this task, then indeed they receive the government that they deserve as well.
Reposted with permission from Shayn Roby at Roby’s Right Corner
Photo credit Adam Brill