From David Bego at DevilAtMyDoorstep
President Obama, the Great Pretender, and his leftist supporters including Big Labor, have many things in common that should frighten all Americans:
- – They are Narcissists. They believe they are smarter than the rest of us.
- – They have no concept how Capitalism and the Free markets work. Even if they cared!
- – They utilize defamation, pressure, intimidation, misinformation, misdirection, bribery, jealousy and other malicious tactics to achieve their goals.
- – They prey upon the innocent and naïve with the promise of “Social Justice.”
- – They are hypocrital in their actions. It is always “do as I say not as I do.”
- – They will run over friend or foe to accomplish their agenda as the “ends always justify the means.”
- – They believe in redistribution of wealth as it eliminates jealousy, makes people the same and easier to control.
- – They attempt to divide the American people by race, gender and sexual preference.
They believe in socialism/communism/totalitarianism, a one world order, and fundamentally transforming America!
Recent events by both the President and Big Labor exhibit striking parallels in the quest for control! They have the mindset of a dictator — they crave power! They have no respect for the law or our Constitution and will do whatever they feel necessary whether legally or morally acceptable to achieve their mutual goal of Total Control!
In March 2012 the blog Vetting Obama’s Political Tactics was published, it portrayed how President Obama and his labor buddies were engaging in Death by a Thousand Cuts tactics to fundamentally change America! Here is an update on these continuing tactics today. (Updates noted in RED)
1) Obama: Create a “Buffet Rule”: Create class warfare to split and pit Americans against each other (see 11 Things Obama Didn’t Tell You about Tax Fairness Last Night). Press for tax hikes continues. But see Tax hikes on the rich are no miracle cure.
Big Labor: Represent big business as placing corporate profits ahead of employee wages and benefits: Pit employees against the employer. Labor unions, particularly the SEIU, continue to do this especially with their “Fight for Fifteen” campaign. The truth, however, is that Union Bosses Use Fast-Food Workers For Personal Gain! Also the SEIU has funneled $15 million into the Fight for $15 campaign! The end game for union bosses It’s All About Perception and It’s All About the Dues Money!
2) Obama: Double the number of work study jobs for college students: Capture the college student vote. Obama Administration pressing free College tuition for all people in an effort to capture more of the total American vote from parents, current college students down to potential students! Continue to overload the budget in a move towards U.S. economic collapse (see The Dream and Cost of Free College).
Big Labor: Incite workers to push for all full time jobs versus part time jobs: Capture the vote of young workers. Continue to push the “Fight For Fifteen” by brainwashing young people through false front Worker Centers when the real objective is to unionize the young, see Same Old SEIU and Same Tired Attacks.
3) Obama: Publicize the need for a “fair” Immigration policy: Gain the Hispanic vote. Implemented an immigration and refugee policy that will destroy the American economy and promote terrorism. See Obama’s Amnesty Will Add More Foreign Workers Than Jobs Created, Let’s Get Serious About Radical Islam, Barack Obama: Grand Caliph Of Islam?,and Obama’s Immigration Plan Seen Impacting Wages, Job Moves.
Big Labor: Stop employer discrimination: Gain the Hispanic vote. Stand behind the President and potential political candidates who support open borders, instead of candidates like Trump, as they view these people as future dues paying union members, see Trump and the DREAM Act, the Truth behind the Nightmare.
4) Obama: Equal wages for women and paid contraception/abortions: Capture the vote of women. President threatening to pass a law through Executive Order that forces employers to pay women and men in the same position the same pay!
Big Labor: Equal wages for all: Capture the vote of women. Agrees with the President and uses the same tactic because if everyone is paid the same and work at the same productivity rate they are easy to control. Long standing union tactic!
5) Obama: Green Energy: Capture the environmentalist vote. Obama continues to push this agenda with his leftist supporters, see Global Warming Leftists Seek to Criminalize Criticism.
Big Labor: Control the use of and exposure to hazardous chemicals: Capture and support from environmentalists and special interests. Continue to support the president as a means of attacking businesses for exposing employees to dangerous chemicals and environment as chronicled in The Devil at Our Doorstep!
6) Obama: Obamacare – Health care paid for everyone: Capture all voters. Continues to mislead the American people to the fact this is about them when destroying business and the economy is the objective, see The Affordable Care Act’s deficit charade. However it is apparently not working, see Sticker shock hits insurance customers of Obamacare exchange.
Big Labor: Paid healthcare for all: Capture all voters. Waking up to the fact the President will run over friend or foe to achieve his objective, see The Devil is in the Details: Buyer’s Remorse over Obamacare, Except for SEIU.
7) Obama: Increased regulation on business, resulting in restrictive labor laws; greater employee input in business and lower productivity: Capture all voters. Same agenda, as he understands — Control Business, Control the Country!
Big Labor: Restrictive work rules, seniority and limited discipline procedures resulting in reduced productivity, sameness and more employee power: Capture all voters. Continues the same tactics!
8) Obama: Entitlements/Redistribution of wealth. Take from the “haves” and give to the “have not’s” to create one class reliant on Government: Capture the vote of the ever-growing number of those on government subsidies, reduce friction, create sheep and ensure compliance to government. Continues the onslaught of entitlement programs, see Entitlement Costs Are Out of Sight, Out of Mind and Ben Carson Blasts Welfare as False Compassion.
Big Labor: Increased benefits/Reduced workloads to create one class reliant on Big Labor bosses: Capture the vote of those without work ethics or ambition, reduce friction, create sheep and ensure compliance to Big Labor. Continues to support the President.
9) Obama: Speeches claiming conservatives want dirty air and water: Court the far left, environmentalist and liberal media to apply pressure. Continues the same rhetoric to divide the country.
Big Labor: Press and utilize OSHA complaints citing employer use of hazardous chemicals, equipment, and unhealthy work environment: Court the far left entities like “Jobs for Justice,” environmentalists and the liberal media. Continues to support the movement despite the President does not support the Keystone Pipeline, which would provide new union jobs!
10) Obama: Equality and redistribution of wealth does not apply to staffers: Taxes used to reward loyalty (see White House Raises). Same old story, see Shocking Stats Show How Much More Government Employees Make Than Average Americans.
Big Labor: Equality and redistribution of wealth does not apply to staffers: Dues used to reward loyalty (see SEIU Local 1000 Council to Consider Six-Figure Salaries for Officers).
11) Obama: Misinterpret the facts, such as that employment figures are improving and unemployment is headed downward. Court the unemployed vote (see No Truth to January Job Gains). Continues in the same vein despite the fact wage growth is down, the economy is slowing and companies are laying people off.
Big Labor: Misrepresent the facts. Characterize employers as greedy and only after profit instead of jobs: Court the unemployed or part-time employed. Fight for Fifteen tells the whole story, see SEIU Shows it is Not About Employee Free Choice.
12) Obama: Characterize business as abusive, and cite the need for regulation. Implement new DOL, EPA and NLRB regulations: Court the naïve, less informed and easily persuaded. The President has almost achieved card check through regulation changes by the NLRB, see Card Check Close to Reality!
Big Labor: Characterize employers as abusive and utilize means to place pressure through government reporting: File massive numbers of “Unfair Labor Practices,” OSHA and DOL complaints: Court the naïve, less uninformed and easily persuaded (see The Devil at Our Doorstep). Behind the Card Check legislation!
13) Obama: Attack conservative supporters like Fox News in an attempt to persuade advertisers to drop Fox through the Persuasion of Power. Continues to attack FOX News and has liberal media attacking 2016 Presidential Candidates!
Big Labor: Picket and intimidate employers’ customers in an attempt to have customers fire the employer (see Persuasion of Power). Continues the same tired tactics and use the Ambush Election law to their benefit!
14) Obama: Undermine the constitution through executive orders, regulation changes and illegal recess appointments: Gain control by Rule by Fiat. Gain control by Rule by Fiat. Continues to destroy the constitution and turn the country to totalitarian rule, see Amending The U.S. Constitution By Fiat.
Big Labor: Undermine American Freedoms through elimination of the secret ballot election: Gain control of employees through Card Check. Same philosophy as the President. Change the laws so they control business, see Card Check Close to Reality!
15) Obama: Destroy the economy and force the population to capitulate (see Are We on the Verge of the Obama Great Depression?). The President’s O-Cloward-Piven Strategy Is Working as the country stands at $19 trillion in debt and the economy is depressed!
Big Labor: Financially ruin employers and force them to capitulate (see A Story of Our Future). Using Ambush elections to force unionize business, see Breaking News: The Ambush is Upon Us.
In addition to the 15 points previously reviewed President has also added the following tactics, supported by his leftist buddies, in his quest to “fundamentally change America” — as he proclaimed in his first inaugural address.
- – Forcing the Iran deal through by bypassing Congress. Thereby allowing a radical Islamic nation to have nuclear weapons, see With Iran deal, Obama makes bad history.
- – Create racial divide through comments such as Racism is “Deeply Rooted” in U.S. Society and support of Black Lives matter another organization supported by the unions, see #BlackLivesMatter’s agenda costs black lives.
- – Demanding gun laws and confiscation. Unbelievably The Great Pretender ignores that gun carnage occurs more often in Democratic cities where there are strict gun laws, which was highlighted by his unbelievable statement that Chicago gun problems are due to the State of Indiana, see In Less Than 1 Minute Sheriff Clarke Completely Destroys Obama’s Gun Control Argument and Rahm Emanuel reaps the whirlwind of Democratic rule, and Obama Blames Indiana for Chicago’s Gun Control Failures.
- – Supporting same sex and transgender relationships.
- – Establishing Common Core to control future generations minds to cement the communist agenda, see Chinese Immigrant Mother: Common Core is Same Communist Core I Saw in China.
President Obama is utilizing these tactics as means of overwhelming the system which are essentially the same type tactics utilized by unions in an attempt to force union companies and their employees as chronicled in The Devil at Our Doorstep. Hypocritically, they want all Americans to be politically correct but Political Correctness is Ruining America!
Are you feeling frustrated, disaffected or just plain angry at the Obama administration and the progressive left in general? That’s exactly how they want you to feel, according to award-winning journalist David Kupelian. “We’ve got to overcome anger because people don’t realize that not only does all this crazy stuff going on make them angry, which is understandable because [the left is] destroying the country, but causing the anger is strategic,” said Kupelian in a recent interview on “The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show.” “You are intended to become angry.” In his new book, “The Snapping of the American Mind,” Kupelian writes that stoking anger and resentment is a key tactic employed by the left.
Conservatives would argue President Obama has done a lot to drive Americans mad. For example, he has granted a path to citizenship to millions of illegal aliens. He has sided with protesters rather than police officers and has said he believes there should be a national vs Local police force! He has struck a nuclear deal with Iran. Then there’s Obamacare, marriage and abortion.
“What Obama has brought to the table is he has taken cans of gasoline and poured it all over this fire that has already been burning in our country, and he’s accelerating it,” Kupelian said. “He’s like an arsonist. He’s creating this conflagration” Kupelian is correct in his assessment as it is the centuries old tactics of Divide and Conquer. President Obama is intentionally attempting to destroy America and turn it into a socialistic/communistic state by using the methods described above. Also, President Obama and the Left is Angering Americans on Purpose, Says Author -Obama ‘Like an Arsonist,’ Fueling Americans’ Resentment. President Obama with his divisive tactics is fundamentally orchestrating The Taking of American Freedoms and The Decline of American Exceptionalism by using the union/Saul Alinsky tactics of pitting us against each other. This Great Pretender was trained in the communist persuasion and his ultimate goal is to destroy America and establish Communism at the Highest Levels, see Obama and His CIA Family are the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America. America, we are at War! Armageddon is at Hand! Please Wake up! and have Congress Impeach this president before it is too late, see Strategy: Bury Obama In Investigations!
Even the Good Lord understands “Social Justice” and making everyone the same does not work or he would have created us all the same economically, physically, morally, spiritually and intellectually, He created all men equal in the eyes of God, but understood they must achieve and grow based on their own skills, hard work (despite the fact the MNBC announcer believes the term hard work is racial), discipline, morals and perseverance! Isn’t it interesting how the left never faults or use people as examples who support them that represent large income equality chasms like movie stars and pro athletes? The truth is despite their rhetoric they don’t care if people make or have much, they just want sameness as it is easy to control!
It is not about equality or social justice, but is about ultimate control. The narcissistic left believe they know better and need to control us! The truth is they have no idea how to succeed in a free market society/capitalistic society as demonstrated by the exact same tactics used by Big Labor bosses to force unionize people who are naïve and easily intimidated, because It’s All About the Dues Money! As a result they collectively want socialism/communism! The president has roughly 14 months left. It is time to stop the Great Pretender now before he and his cohorts achieve their goals of destroying America.
America it is Time for growth, not democratic socialism! All Americans need to quit being naïve, wake up and understand it is time to make America Great Again!
Photo credit US Embassy New Zealand