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You know it’s bad when top Dem says Obama got it wrong!

Breitbart reports:

Monday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) pushed back against President Barack Obama for his suggestion that ISIS was contained, which he had said last week in an interview with ABC.

Feinstein said, “Well, let me begin by saying this. I have never been more concerned. I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIS is not contained. ISIS  is expanding. they just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country…”

You KNOW there’s trouble when a high-ranking, tow the party line Democrat like Sen. Feinstein goes against Obama! If she thinks it’s THIS bad, how bad must it REALLY be?!?!?

Read the rest of the article and watch her MSNBC interview at Breitbart.

Photo credit Senator Feinstein

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