This is how our 2nd Amendment is supposed to work…

Contrary to what the media and liberal Democrats would have you believe, armed citizens are not a bad thing. This is how our 2nd Amendment is supposed to work. Breitbart reports:

A concealed carry permit holder stopped an attempted mass shooting outside Playoffz nightclub on June 27. According to WISTV, the Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office says that around 3:30 a.m. in Spartanburg, South Carolina, “32-year-old Jody Ray Thompson pulled out a gun after getting into an argument with another man.” He reportedly “fired several rounds toward a crowd that had gathered out in front of the club.”

Thompson shot and wounded three people when he opened fire. The individual who would have been his fourth target, an unnamed concealed permit holder, ended the incident by pulling his own gun and shooting Thompson.

Read the full article at Breitbart.

Photo credit TomaszDudek

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