Give Away the Internet, Open Borders, Force Sharia?

Obama’s Plan: Give Internet to the UN; Become UN Secretary-General; Enforce Open Borders & Sharia-Compliance in Exchange for Internet Privileges

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”  —President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama said recently at the United Nations that he believes America should submit to the United Nations in a new world order that would bring world government to fruition.  It is interesting that Obama believes that the US needs to give up some of its freedom for his vision of what he refers to as security.  “But I am convinced in the long run, giving up some freedom of action . . . binding ourselves to the international rules over the long-term enhances our security.”  The president made his comments just a few days after unvetted Muslims he had allowed to immigrate to America had committed terrorist jihad attacks on St. Cloud and New York.

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