Nothing says healthcare protest like a vibrator!

You Can Send A Vibrator To Your Congressperson To Protest The Health Care Bill
Except maybe a pink hat and a Va Jay Jay suit and ????

Want to protest the Senate Republicans’ health care bill, but don’t know how? After you call your senator and attend a local town hall meeting, you can now also send your Congressperson a vibrator.

Yep, you read that correctly: You can now send your Congressperson a vibrator to protest the health care bill that threatens to defund Planned Parenthood, make deep cuts to Medicaid and take away health care coverage from millions of people.

On Wednesday, Unbound announced a campaign called “Vibes for Congress” that allows people to send any $15 vibrator along with an educational pamphlet on women’s health to a specific representative. As an Unbound spokesperson told HuffPost, they recommend people target congresspeople who are “in favor of the GOP healthcare bill.” Seventy-five percent of the proceeds from each sale will go to Planned Parenthood.

“The initiative is meant to shed a light on the importance of women’s health in the face of changes that would threaten it, while demonstrating that women will not stay silent in the face of such dire risks,” an Unbound spokesperson said.

The educational pamphlet included with each vibrator package features facts about women’s health care and the potential repercussions of reducing access to it.

Scroll below to see the information included on the two-sided pamphlet.
Once you decide on a vibrator, Unbound helps you find the address of the representative you’d like to send the lovely gift to. The landing page includes a drop-down menu that allows users to search and choose their specific representative.

As the campaign’s tagline quips: Let’s “send the message that female sexual health and wellness is NOT up for grabs.”

Head over to Unbound to read more about the campaign.

Read the rest at: Vibrator

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