Why are Ex-Gay men hated as much as White men?

WASHINGTON DC, May 11, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Elizabeth Johnston, better known as the “Activist Mommy,” came to Washington, DC to address what she calls, “one of the most marginalized and censored groups in our culture:  The ex-homosexual.”

Johnson spoke to a crowd of about 80 mostly former homosexual and transexual millenials who had come to the Nation’s Capital last weekend for the first annual “Freedom March,” the brainchild of Jeffrey McCall, a young man who had once lived as a woman.

“I am pro-choice,” announced Johnson, co-opting one of the sacred mantras of the sexual revolution, and turning it on its head.  “I believe people who choose to engage in homosexual sin also have the right to choose not to engage in homosexuality.  And they have the choice to seek therapy for their unnatural and unwanted desires.”

“I am tolerant,” she added.  “I want homosexuals to have the freedom to speak their mind and beliefs.  And I believe those who believe homosexuality is a sin against God also have the right––under God and under our First Amendment––to speak our beliefs.”

Earlier during the jubilant, prayerful rally on the grounds of the Washington Monument, those gathered were treated to one powerful testimony after another by former gays, lesbians, and transexuals who had discovered transformative power in Jesus Christ.  These folks spoke not of “conversion therapy” but of conversion to Christ and of finding new life in Him.

“Why does the LGBT community want to silence these beautiful stories?” asked Johnson.  “Because the stories of these overcomers are the death blow to the lie that homosexuals were born that way, and they cannot change.”

Johnson called the event “an extremely important, groundbreaking moment,” and said that the litany of testimonials “give us hope that freedom is possible in a world awash with gender confusion and sexual addiction.”

“Do we really see what is going on behind the rainbow and the glitter?” asked Johnson.  “There is a war on the natural man-woman family.  There is a war on our children.  There is a war on all things decent, and on the image of God himself.”

And now there is also war on those who identify as ex-gay and ex-transgendered.

Read the rest at: LGBT Movement

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