A top Barack Obama Department of Justice official integrally involved in the Hillary Clinton email investigation tried to get his son hired on the Hillary Clinton campaign and also tipped off John Podesta with insider details on the case, according to Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report released Thursday.
Assistant attorney general Peter Kadzik should have recused himself from the case due to his duplicity, according to the IG report.
A top Barack Obama Department of Justice official integrally involved in the Hillary Clinton email investigation tried to get his son hired on the Hillary Clinton campaign and also tipped off John Podesta with insider details on the case, according to Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report released Thursday.
Assistant attorney general Peter Kadzik should have recused himself from the case due to his duplicity, according to the IG report.
From The Horowitz Report of June 14:
“In Chapter Fourteen, we found that Kadzik demonstrated poor judgment by failing to recuse himself from Clinton-related matters under federal ethics regulations prior to November 2, 2016. Kadzik did not recognize the appearance of a conflict that he created when he initiated an effort to obtain employment for his son with the Clinton campaign while participating in Department discussions and communications about Clinton-related matters.
Kadzik also created an appearance of a conflict when he sent the Chairman of the Clinton Campaign and a longtime friend, John Podesta, the “Heads up” email that included the schedule for the release of former Secretary Clinton’s emails proposed to the court in a FOIA litigation without knowing whether the information had yet been filed and made public. His willingness to do so raised a reasonable question about his ability to act impartially on Clinton-related matters in connection with his official duties.
Additionally, although Department leadership determined that Kadzik should be recused from Clintonrelated matters upon learning of his “Heads up” email to Podesta, we found that Kadzik failed to strictly adhere to this recusal. Lastly, because the government information in the “Heads up” email had in fact been released publically, we did not find that Kadzik released non-public information or misused his official position.”
Read the rest at: Podesta