When the bottom fell out of the ticket market for An Evening With the Clintons, it really plummeted. The final date of their “speaking tour” is Sunday night in Las Vegas. A quick scan of tickets on Stub Hub for the Sunday night show offers tickets for as little as $15.00, at least when I checked late Saturday night.
A glance for tickets available on sale at Ticketmaster online shows they begin at $45.72 and go up to $257.18. I wrote about this tour back at the beginning of December and even then, ticket sales were slow and had to be discounted. Perhaps realizing they were on rocky ground, the two Clintons first took the tour to Canada as a soft opening before their American dates. The fine folks in Toronto were less than impressed and the ticket sales showed a lack of interest in the former President and his wife, the woman who felt entitled to the presidency but lost to her old friend Donald Trump.
The tour dates were scheduled in Clinton-friendly cities yet the struggle to put warm bodies in seats was real. Still, audience reaction has been mixed. Just last month in New York City, a tour stop brought Haitian protesters and a man in a front-row seat yelling out, “Bill, this is boring!” Ouch! That night at the Beacon Theatre, the moderator was Clinton loyalist and political consultant Paul Begala.
Friday night’s date at Seattle’s WaMu Theater brought out the true blue Clinton supporters. The stop in Seattle, a liberal haven in the great Northwest, included actor Bradley Whitford as the moderator. Does that name sound familiar? Whitford played the role of White House Deputy Chief of Staff Josh Lyman in The West Wing. Whitford plays the role of a political activist in real life. This week he will co-host a fundraiser in Los Angeles for Mayor Pete’s presidential campaign. Ticket prices in Seattle were deeply discounted.
Read the rest at: Clinton’s Tour