When outlandish decisions are made on campus, they can often be traced back to a student government vote. Campus Reform reported on a number of these crazy student government resolutions in 2019. Here are just some of the most outrageous.
1. Law Firm demands UGA rescind ‘unconstitutional resolutions’
The student government of University of Georgia disregarded the basic principles of freedom of speech when their resolution attempted to ban pro-life displays on the grounds that they were “distressing” and “could have emotionally or physically triggered members of the UGA community.” The Southeastern Legal Foundation, a national constitutional public interest law stepped in to explain that the resolutions in place “have a serious chilling effect on student speech.”
2. Berkeley student gov: $93 TRILLION Green New Deal is ‘ultimately financially wise’
This year UC-Berkeley’s student government passed a resolution supporting the “intent” of AOC’s Green New Deal which included provisions to eliminate all of California’s gas, oil, and coal output. $93 trillion dollars is more than four times the output of the yearly output of the entire U.S. economy. Where is this cash coming from? Perhaps a course on money management is in order.
3. Texas Christian college student gov votes to ban Chick-fil-A
Trinity University in Texas’ student government decided to ban Chick-fil-A from its campus because of its support for supposedly anti-LGBT groups like the Salvation Army.
“Obviously it has the potential to make a lot of people feel uncomfortable on campus, and also it looks really bad for Trinity in the context of recruiting potential students who may be a part of the LGBTQ community,” student senator Claire Carlson said.
4. Oklahoma student gov ditches ‘Boomer’ and ‘Sooner’ for more ‘sensitive’ words
Okay, Boomer. The University of Oklahoma uses various nicknames, mascots, and chants with the words “Boomer” and “Sooner” in them as part of their school culture. However, the student government recently decided that the words, which refer to early Oklahoma settlers, are offensive to Native Americans. As a result of supposed outrage, the student government attempted to scrub the words from campus. Alongside this effort, the Student Congress passed “Indigenous Land Acknowledgement” which includes a statement that OU students are “visitors on the land” and will be read before all SGA events.
Read the rest at: Crazy College rules of 2019