On Sunday, President Trump gave the crowd at the Daytona 500 a thrill when he flew Air Force One 800 feet over the crowd before he later served as grand marshal of the event. One commentator stated, “I have been to a lot of Daytona 500s, never have I felt the excitement and energy. We’ve got great racing on the track but we’ve got the president landing right now, the fans are pumped up, I mean, wow, what a day!”
But there was one person who seemed to have major problems with Trump’s actions and could not decide which emotional reaction to have when witnessing the event: former Congresswoman Katie Hill, who had to leave office in disgrace after the House Ethics Committee announced that it was launching an ethics investigation into allegations that Hill had an affair with a congressional staffer in violation of House Rules.
Hill tweeted her inability to multitask emotionally, “At a restaurant. Trump and a motorcade at the Daytona 500 comes on the TV. I literally don’t know whether to laugh or cry or scream or just sigh. All. We’re gonna go with all.”
Back in October, the House Ethics Committee stated, “The Committee is aware of public allegations that Representative Katie Hill may have engaged in a sexual relationship with an individual on her congressional staff, in violation of House Rule XXIII, clause 18(a). The Committee, pursuant to Committee Rule 18(a), has begun an investigation and will gather additional information regarding the allegations.”
After Hill resigned, radio host Joe Messina reported that Hill’s resignation was demanded by House Speaker Pelosi after Pelosi learned that staffers in Hill’s office confirmed her affair with Legislative Director Graham Kelly.
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