Klobuchar welcome to all migrants!

Sen. Amy Klobuchar is promising to tear down President Donald Trump’s border reforms that have almost stopped the northward flood of poor migrants into Americans’ workplaces, neighborhoods, and schools, and that have also raised wages and opened opportunities for sidelined Americans.

But Americans need immigrants, the Minnesota Democrat insists — without admitting migrants also force down wages and force up housing costs. In June 2019, she said:

Immigrants, they do not diminish America, they are America … we need to step back and talk about is the economic imperative here … We have a situation right now where we need workers in our fields and in our factories. 

“We need workers,” Klobuchar told Fox News’ Bret Baier February 2019, without mentioning Minnesota wages jumped by five percent in 2018 amid the low unemployment rate. She continued:

I think we need to pass comprehensive immigration reform, and I look at this is not just a moral issue. I actually look at it as an economic issue. When you look at, in my state, we need workers for some of the jobs, especially in rural areas. We have a 2.8 percent unemployment rate. 

“To me, this is an economic issue for our country,” Klobuchar told a February 19 Town Hall meeting hosted by CNN. She continued:

We have always been a country that is built by immigrants, right? We all have our stories in America. And I believe that immigrants don’t diminish America, that they are America. That means to me that we need to have comprehensive immigration reform, something I’ve long supported. And I view this, first of all, if you look around our country, something like around 70 of our Fortune 500 CEOs — this is a few years back — were immigrants … We have immigrants that have built this country. 

Klobuchar repeatedly says immigration should provide employers with more workers while ignoring the supply-and-demand reality that worker shortages push up wages and force employers to buy more wage-boosting labor-saving machinery. For example, her plan for rural areas suggest that employers are entitled to get imported workers when Americans refuse to work for low wages:

Read the rest at: Klobuchar

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