Biden interested in less quality and more affordable!

Former Vice President Joe Biden touted his public-private insurance proposal on the campaign trail this week; telling supporters his goal is to make healthcare “not about quality, but only affordable.”

“For folks in the working class, they will, in fact, we’ll increase their premiums… The public option will be available in my plan. We’ll make sure it’s not quality, we’ll make sure it’s only affordable,” said Biden.

Fading presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders continued to spin his disastrous Super Tuesday performance Thursday; telling reporters he’s falling behind Joe Biden because of the “corrupt political system” and “Wall Street.”

“What you’re seeing is Wall Street opening up its checkbook to Joe Biden. You’re seeing Mike Bloomberg, worth some $60 billion, prepared to support Joe Biden. And that is what a corrupt political system is,” said Sanders.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer officially endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden Thursday; a serious blow to Sen. Bernie Sanders just days before voters in that state head to the polls.

“Working families in Michigan need a president who will show up and fight for them, and Joe Biden has proven time and again that he has our backs,” she said in a statement. “Michiganders have grit. We’re tough. We know what it’s like to be overlooked and counted out. And we know that when you get knocked down, you pick yourself up and get back to work. Joe Biden has been right there with us in the tough fights.”

“Joe Biden is the candidate we need to defeat Donald Trump in November. He’s always had our backs. Now, I’m proud to have his,” she added.

Sanders narrowly defeated Hillary Clinton during the state’s 2016 primary; beating the former Secretary of State 49% to 48%.

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