Water shortages, wildfires, power outages, government shutdowns, homelessness, exploding deficits, and uncontrolled crime/violence. All of these problems seem to be converging at once, and they are leaving Californians angry and distraught.
Simply stated, California’s problems are not a failure of ideas, industry or families—they are a failure of leadership.
In 2019, California was hit with wildfires and then electrical shutdowns by its largest electric utility, PG&E. Cast as a preventive measure to fires, the shutdowns damaged the economy and caused California’s Tech industry to warn Gavin Newsom that if the state cannot reliably provide electricity, they would be forced to relocate.
2019 also saw California’s homeless crises make national news for its scope and the fact that there is no end in sight. In places like San Francisco, the city has moved the homeless into hotels and delivers alcohol, marijuana, and syringes to them.
The homeless and wildfires/electrical crises joined California’s perennial water crises. California farmers, who make up California’s largest industry, year after year are deprived of water and cannot rely on the consistent delivery of what little water they get. Neither can the rest of Californians.
The water crises could be resolved, in part, if government captured the rain instead of allowing trillions of gallons of water run off to flow unimpeded to the ocean. Desalination plants could help too—but, environmentalists and Gavin Newsom will have none of it. Instead, Sacramento wants to restrict water allocations to 50 gallons a day per person for California residents.
Gavin Newsom‘s ongoing response to the COVID crisis has plunged California into a recession—a deep recession brought on by government. It is estimated that over 30 percent of California restaurants will not reopen. The hotel industry still has occupancy rates below 25 percent, while landlords deal with empty storefronts and a lack of cash flow.
Recall Gavin
Read the rest at: Recall Newsom