Trump crazy there is no voter fraud! OH WAIT!

Claiming at Thursday’s White House briefing that the 2020 elections could be “fixed” and “rigged,” President Trump again highlighted the risks of nationwide, universal mail-in balloting in stark terms — including by citing news articles and experts who have raised similar concerns.

Before taking questions, Trump honored former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, noting that “unfortunately, he passed away from a thing called the China virus.” Trump also hit Democrats’ plans to keep schools and businesses closed, saying they would cause “probably more death” and economic destruction than coronavirus itself.

Within seconds, Trump was pressed on his tweet earlier in the day that suggested the election could be delayed due to mail-in ballot fraud. He responded that delays in mail-in ballot results, including lost ballots, could mean the election winner isn’t clear for weeks or even months after Election Day.

“You’re sending out hundreds of millions of universal mail-in ballots. Hundreds of millions. Where are they going? Who are they being sent to? It’s common sense,” Trump said. “I want an election, and a result, much more than you. I think we’re doing very well. … I don’t want to see a rigged election.”

The president held up a Wall Street Journal article entitled “New York’s Mail-Vote Disaster,” as well as a CBS News article entitled “Vote-by-mail experiment reveals potential problems within postal voting system ahead of November election.” He cited a similar piece in The Washington Post.

The press conference followed a backlash against Trump’s comments from both sides of the aisle on Thursday, with Democrats railing against the suggestion and some Republicans saying they opposed it. The Senate’s top Republican, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, flatly told a Kentucky news station the election would not be moving.

Earlier this month, a Fox News review found a slew of issues with mail-in ballots in recent elections. A dramatic local news report this week, tweeted out by the president on Thursday, highlighted missing ballots in a test of the United States Postal Service’s ability to handle mail-in ballots.

Read the rest at: Voter Fraud

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