Megyn Kelly slams Harris!

Former Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly criticized Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) Tuesday for saying she was “proud” of Jacob Blake during a meeting with him in Kenosha, Wis.

“PROUD of him? He’s accused of breaking into a sleeping woman’s house, sexually assaulting her, humiliating her & later returning to harass her,”  Kelly tweeted. “Then the cops she called for help say he resisted arrest, assaulted them & went for his knife. How about a word for his victim, Senator?”

In a statement from Blake’s attorney Ben Crump, the civil rights lawyer said “In a moving moment, Jacob [Blake] Jr. told Sen. Harris that he was proud of her, and the senator told Jacob that she was also proud of him and how he is working through his pain.”

Blake’s father has said his son is paralyzed from the waist down following the shooting.

Police have said a knife was found inside Blake’s car after police shot him in the back multiple times and claimed he ignored orders to drop it. His attorneys have disputed the claim that the knife was in his hand. The man who filmed the shooting said he did not see a knife.

Kelly was criticized by other Twitter users but at least one former congresswoman, Nan Hayworth (R-N.Y.), came to Kelly’s defense.

See the tweets at: Kelly-Harris-Blake

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