Johns Hopkins reverses itself again?

This is the second time this has happened. Why would a well known and respected organization like this give in?

Johns Hopkins University published and then retracted a study that found that there has been no major increase in the expected number of deaths among all age groups in the US this year due to COVID-19.

The researcher found that while there was a sharp increase in COVID-19 deaths, there was a drop in deaths attributed to other causes, such as pneumonia or heart disease. In fact, “the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19.” He theorizes that deaths from other causes are being categorized as COVID-19 deaths. Also, the very elderly victims might have been expected to die of old age, seasonal flu or other causes if the pandemic hadn’t occurred.

Interestingly, Johns Hopkins University didn’t retract the study because they could cite anything inaccurate, but because it “was being used to spread misinformation about the pandemic,” and discount the danger of the virus or the need to take precautions. But if the numbers are correct, then why should the study be retracted? Is it the job of the university to only publish scientific facts that support a particular narrative, or to suppress facts just because someone might misinterpret or misuse them?

The researcher said he was even accused online of being a “COVID denier” (of course, he was.) He called those false accusations “devastating,” but said, “I stand my ground. The goal is never to undermine the effects of COVID-19 but to suggest a possible over-exaggeration in death numbers due to the pandemic.”

I thought we were supposed to listen to the scientists. I must be getting old because I remember when liberals thought that refusing to accept “inconvenient truths” was a bad thing.

Read the rest at: Hopkins reverses again

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