Twitter Criticizes Uganda For Censorship While They Censor Conservatives in US

Twitter is reminding the Ugandan people that censorship is immoral.

“Sorry, Ugandans, you’re not allowed to silence other people’s Twitter accounts, especially in the run-up to an election. You just can’t do that. Now, we recognize you don’t have a Bill of Rights or a centuries-old tradition of self-government out there in Uganda, so you might not have known this, as we do here. But to restate: Censoring voters’ social media accounts is hugely harmful. Online censorship violates ‘basic human rights.’ In fact, it’s an attack on democracy itself. Got that, Ugandans? Now we understand you’re a primitive, developing nation, so we’ll give you a pass this time, but don’t forget it. Censorship bad! #OpenInternet”

We actually had to check and make sure Twitter’s statement was real, which it is. Twitter actually sent that, which only proves that the tech monopolies are even worse than we thought.

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