WH blames media for Americans believing there’s a border crisis

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said last week that the reason Americans believe there is a crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border is because of “some components” of the “media.”

Psaki blamed the impression that the Southern border has plunged into chaos on media coverage while speaking on Thursday’s episode of CNN’s podcast, “The Axe Files with David Axelrod.”

More than two-thirds of Americans say the Biden administration is doing a “very” or “somewhat bad” job handling the illegal immigration crisis at the Southern border.

“A big driver” of those negative impressions, Psaki said, was “the nature of some components of social media and media these days.”

Axelrod, a former chief strategist under President Obama, described Psaki’s back-and-forth with the White House press corps as a “wrestling match you go through several times a week as to whether you’re going to call it a ‘crisis,’ or how you’re going to describe it,” Fox News reported.

The White House refused to use the term “crisis,” because “we just didn’t want to feed into that on this issue, or really any issue,” she added.

“To us, it’s like, ‘That wasn’t really a crisis; it was a huge challenge,’” Psaki told Axelrod.

Finding alternatives to the term “crisis” has marked Psaki’s tenure as the Biden administration’s most conspicuous public spokesperson during one of the worst border crises in modern history.

Illegal border crossings have skyrocketed since Biden revoked President Donald Trump’s Migrant Protection Protocols(MPP), which encouraged migrants to wait in other countries while they applied for asylum status.

The number of illegal immigrants arrested by the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has more than doubled since Joe Biden’s inauguration in January. The CBP arrested 172,331 illegal immigrants in March — including 19,000 children — up 71% in one month. Total border crossings in March reached the highest level in 15 years, according to The Washington Post.

Read the rest at: dailywire.com

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