FOIA shows Luntz helped Whitmore – Not surprised

Judicial Watch has mastered the art of getting the information the American people need to know. They generally go through legal channels, particularly the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests that they send on a regular basis. Occasionally, they strike gold, and oftentimes that gold comes in a form that was not anticipated by those making the original FOIA request.

Case-in-point: Today’s release of information about Michigan’s responses throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. The goal of the FOIA was to get the skinny on former Michigan Department of Health and Human Service Director Robert Gordon and his unceremonious removal, including a $155,506 severance package with strict confidentiality attached. There were multiple bombshells that came with the treasure trove of documents Judicial Watch received, and one of those bombshells caught our eye.

As it turns out, “conservative” pollster Frank Luntz was brought in to consult and to help Governor Gretchen Whitmer convince Republicans to social distance, wear face masks, and stay in lockdown mode until she deemed appropriate for the lesser people to come out of hiding.

From the article:

On December 1, 2020, Gordon forwarded to Whitmer’s chief of staff a PowerPoint summary on COVID political messaging, “Changing the COVID Conversation,” put together by pollster Frank Luntz working with a company called de Beaumont Foundation, based on a survey of 1,100 Americans. They “tested specific words, sentences, phrases, and attributes Americans need to hear to change their behavior and stop the spread of the coronavirus.” A significant part of the report analyzed Democrat-vs.-Republican responses. For example, one of several “warnings” Luntz emphasized, “Many Republicans refuse to follow guidelines because they argue the science keeps changing. It’s up to you to communicate – at the outset – that the science is settled.”

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Joe Messina

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