Texas Democrats run away from a fight, in a private jet with NO MASKS – WOW!

A Texas state representative was ravaged on social media Monday for fawning over the so-called “sacrifice” of Texas Democratic lawmakers who jetted out of the state on a chartered jet to block the state legislature from voting on two election reform bills.

“Just landed in Memphis on our way to DC,” James Talarico, a 32-year-old member of the Texas state legislator wrote on Twitter. “Thank y’all for your well wishes. We left behind our families, our livelihoods, & our beloved Texas. But our sacrifice is nothing compared to the sacrifices brave Americans have made throughout history to protect the sacred right to vote.”

Texas House Democrats fled the state on Monday in an attempt to break quorum and stop the votes on two election bills put forward by state Republicans. The lawmakers reportedly hopped on a private flight to Washington, D.C., where they planned to push for federal voter protections. A photo circulated by a lawmaker onboard shows several state Democrats smiling comfortably, donning a “peace” symbol. Others were reportedly pictured on a D.C.-bound bus with packs of Miller Lite.

The state Democrats faced immediate criticism for electing to travel mask-less despite commercial regulations requiring otherwise, but Talarico bore the brunt of the social media backlash with users taking unkindly to his flair for the dramatics.

@jamestalarico How many Miller Lites deep are you to have thought this was worth tweeting?” NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck wrote.

“There’s no way you’re old enough for all the beer your colleagues brought for this,” GOP communications veteran Matt Whitlock panned.

Conservative Twitter icon “Comfortably Smug” mocked Talarico for likening his day trip to George Washington’s travels across the Delaware River during the Revolutionary War.

“Dude grabbed a case of Miller Lite and jumped on a private plane and thinks he’s crossing the Delaware with George Washington,” he wrote.

Continue reading story at: foxnews.com

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