In World War II, Winston Churchill famously declared, “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” It appears that there may be even fewer to count on if a recent poll is accurate.
The Quinnipiac University poll asked Americans, “What would you do if you were in the same position as Ukrainians are now, stay and fight or leave the country?” Only 55% said that they would stay and fight for this country. That included only 40% of Democrats
Overall 38% of Americans said that they would flee. It appears that this country is facing an existential crisis of faith, and we should have a frank discussion about why so comparably few Americans are now willing to pledge their lives in defense of this country.
polling outfits for the media.
It is important to note that, while the results were shocking overall, many did say that they would stand and defend the United States from any invader. When asked this question, 68% of Republicans and 57% of Independents say that they would fight. However, more than half of Democrats (52%) said they would flee before fighting for their country – 8% did not have an answer, a shrug that is equally alarming.
As someone who came from a liberal, Democratic family in Chicago, I was shocked by the poll. My father and grandfather fought in the World Wars and everyone I grew up with on the liberal Northside of Chicago was both intensely liberal and intensely patriotic. Indeed, I often heard my parents challenge Republican friends for suggesting that conservatives were more patriotic or more willing to sacrifice for their country.
For my maternal Sicilian family, they felt a deep bond to the country that took them in and allowed them to live in freedom. Despite the prejudice that they encountered and difficult times, my Sicilian grandparents celebrated Independence Day like a religious holiday and often discussed their pride when they became American citizens.
Story continues at: Freedom for Ukraine?