Bird Flu Mania – Their Real Agenda

Another Ineffective and Possibly Dangerous Vaccine

Warning lights are flashing that there may be another pandemic (plannedemic). We have time to step back and calmly assess the situation. If we learned anything from the last “pandemic,” it’s that jumping to conclusions and believing the “experts” made things worse, not better.

The mainstream media is already on the bandwagon touting the benefits of an unproven and dangerous vaccine that has already been developed—10 million doses ready this spring to be thrust into the arms of a panicked public.

During a recent interview on Face the Nation, Dr. Leana Wen, a former Baltimore health commissioner, pushed for more testing and the Biden administration to approve already developed vaccines. She stated that the WHO has reported a 52% mortality rate.

Recent Headlines:

  • Bird flu was discovered in nearly a million chickens in Ohio county. (Did they REALLY test that many birds? I doubt it.)
  • Bird Flu Update: CDC Says It’s Searching for These Pandemic Red Flags (In other words, the hunt is on to justify another pandemic)
  • Bird Flu Samples from Very Ill Patient Had ‘Concerning’ Mutations. (The patient is over 65 and has underlying medical problems.)
  • 70 percent of cow herds in California test positive. Bird flu has been around for decades—they are just now testing?

The Real Agenda Exposed:

Formula for Case Fatality Rate (CFR) displayed on a dark background.

A graph showing the relationship between daily steps and mortality rate per 1000 adults per year, with a downward trend.

A Bird Flu Vaccine Might Come Too Late to Save Us from H5N1

Case Fatality Rate: A Deeper Dive

Where did the 52% mortality rate Dr. Leana Wen spoke of come from? It was through the “Case Fatality Rate” (CFR). This formula calculates the number of people diagnosed compared to deaths from a disease. The World Health Organization calls it Case Fatality Ratio. (3)

CFR has several variables:

  1. There must be a diagnosis. Since most bird flu cases among humans have likely been undiagnosed because the symptoms are so mild, this number could easily be overinflated.
  2. Unreported cases — bird flu symptoms are generally mild and could easily be mistaken for a cold.
  3. The overall health of the patient diagnosed — age, healthcare availability, interventions, and overall environment (access to nutritious food, clean water, and adequate shelter).

Early in an outbreak, numbers tend to be the most inaccurate: deaths are inaccurately attributed to the disease, and hospitalized patients are usually the ones tested, leaving out a whole population outside the clinical setting that was not tested.

Covid-19: Lessons Learned

During the early phases of COVID-19, the case fatality rate was estimated as high as 15%, calculated from hospitalized patients. As more data emerged, the CFR decreased to 4.4% and 11%, and later down to 0.4% worldwide (numbers fluctuate daily).

While the threat of a deadly pandemic seems to be on the agenda, we have time to get educated—and prepared.

Medications Everyone Should Have On-Hand

The Contagion Emergency Kit

  • Contains Oseltamivir (generic Tamiflu), a widely prescribed medication for influenza—whether it’s avian influenza or another flu.
  • The included nebulizer provides respiratory relief, delivering medicine directly to the lungs.
  • The guidebook is packed with lifesaving resources and advice, written specifically for use with the Contagion Emergency Kit.

Get the life-saving medications that were withheld before.

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Joe Messina

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