How Secure is Your Healthcare Info?

Am I the only one who thinks it’s NOT a good idea for Obamacare Navigators to bypass background checks? These folks are going to have access to our Social Security number and a whole host of other very private information. Shouldn’t we AT LEAST know if they’ve been convicted of fraud or identity theft?

No, not really. At least that’s what Secretary Sebelius seems to think. She’ll leave it up to the states to decide if that additional measure of security is needed. Now I’m all for states’ rights! But if the federal government is going to force this overhaul onto every state, it would seem they would also put in the safety precautions to protect us while they’re doing it!

We’re barely a month into the new system and one woman has already reported that her account has been breached. Obamacare customer service told her that “there were three other people in three different states who were accessing [her] information” and had listed themselves on her account!

I guess there’s no way to know from the story whether or not it really was a security issue or if it’s just further indication of a website malfunction (that would be a HUGE malfunction!) But either way… this is BAD!

You can read more about the lack of background checks here.

And more about the woman who’s account was hacked here.

Photo Credit Flickr IntelFreePress

Via the Real Side Radio Show with Joe Messina 11/12/13

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Joe Messina

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